Season: 3 Episode: 027
There’s a reason you believe what you believe. No one forms opinions without the influence of something or someone. Shanda shares a message she preached last year about why it’s imperative to know God’s word for yourself and why it must be your source of truth in every area of life.
“Everyone is called to share and handle the word of God.”
“The word of God never aligns to our fleshly desires and is always in opposition to our fallen nature.”
“Societal and cultural norms will mold our beliefs if we let it.”
“Deception is a tactic of the enemy because he has to take the Truth and twist it.”
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Free Resources:
YouTube: Shanda Fulbright
Voddie Baucham: Why I Believe the Bible
Verses: Genesis 2, Genesis 3, 2 Kings 22:19, Isaiah 6
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What is your source of truth?
There is no script for this episode today because this is a message I spoke at Life Cathedral Church of God. I battled c-diff that day and you can hear it in my voice, but the message is no less powerful.
What is your source of truth? That’s the question I hope you’ll be able to answer after you listen to this episode.
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