Season: 13 Episode: 186
What is the New Apostolic Reformation and why do you need to know about it? Holly Pivec, author and apologist, warns the church about the teachings and practices of NAR. NAR is a fast growing movement in the church that emphasizes signs and wonders, and they believe God provides new revelation through His prophets. Have you heard of Bethel Church? Do you you listen to Jesus Culture? If so, you’re more familar with NAR than you might realize. Holly’s insightful knowledge and passion to weigh everything against Scripture will not only inspire you, but motivate you to be discerning when it comes to false doctrine.
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About Holly Pivec
Holly Pivec is a blogger, author, and speaker, as well as a pastor’s wife and homeschooling mom. She has a master’s degree in apologetics from Biola University, where she also served as university editor for nearly a decade. She has coauthored four books about the New Apostolic Reformation, including her two most recent: Reckless Christianity and Counterfeit Kingdom. Holly operates a popular blog which has followers from around the world, and has spoken and written for several audiences and outlets.
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Question One
What is NAR and what’s your story with it? (How long has it been around? Is it new?
Question Two
Who are the key players in the NAR movement and what are a few of the key doctrines?
Question Three
What is their belief when it comes to Christians and politics? What is wrong with the idea of a theocracy in politics?
Question Four
What criteria are there for an apostle and why do those in NAR have it wrong?
Question Five
How do we identify when God reveals something to someone compared to when someone claims to have a revelation from God as those in the New Apostolic Restoration claim?
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