Season: 2 Episode: 020
Summary: It’s difficult to rise up and fulfill the purpose God has called you to when those in your life are threatened by your success. Csilla explains why driven people set the pace for everyone else, and why you gain more even if you lose some while doing what God has called you to do.
“Driven people set the pace for everyone else.”
“The person who is growing disturbs the ecosystem of the other person.”
“The success of one points out the lack of success is another.”
“Our culture is fascinated by famous and successful people because deep down inside we all want our lives to count for something.”
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Feel free to email with questions or episode topics. If you recommend a topic for an episode and I use it, I will dedicate it to you.
1) Tell us a little about yourself: your family, hobbies and where you live, etc.
2) You really encourage women to find their voice and I love getting your emails that give tips and suggestions on how to find your voice. And you’ve actually written a book about this which we’ll get to soon.
But, what really attracted me to you is the real conversation you had about the fear of outshining others. There is a verse in the Bible that says, “A prophet is without honor only in his own hometown.”(Luke 4) Many people who step up and speak out for the Lord are ridiculed by family or disowned by friends.
Can you elaborate on some of the fears we have when it comes to using our voice and some of the real consequences we may face as we do?
3) You said you believe success is for everyone and a driven person sets the pace for everyone else. What do you mean by that?
4) Finding our voice in a noisy world is intimidating, scary and confusing. Your book, Finding Your Voice, addresses many of these issues. It would appear that everyone has a platform due to social media and the internet, but why do you think it’s so hard for women to share the message God puts in their hearts?
5) You said our world needs women who are grounded in truth to speak up. I agree with you whole-heartedly. I think women these days shout a lot of things but it doesn’t mean it’s grounds in truth In what ways does your book, Finding Your Voice help women do that?
6) What encouragement do you have for those who feel the nudge to use their voice for the Lord? And what advice do you have for the one who feels she may lose friends, or family may
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