I don’t like monsters or anything that has to do with the scary part of Halloween. When my husband and I first started dating, we’d go to a Halloween haunt every October. I’d allow myself to be chased by grown men in gory costumes while wielding chainsaws and bloody knives.
The haunted houses were by far the scariest. I knew evil lurked at every corner and it was all I could do to keep from screaming bloody murder as I pressed my face into my husband’s back while he led us through the smoke and screams of others experiencing the same horror.
Do you know what makes things like haunted houses and haunted forests truly scary? The anticipation that something evil surrounds you, but you can’t put your finger on it. You know at a moments notice, something is going to jump out and show it’s ugly side, but you’re not sure who and you’re not sure when.
The Monster Among Us
I have some frightening news to share with you today. There’s a monster among us and it doesn’t only show up on Halloween. This monster is different. This monster is among us all year long and is capable of much more damage than a chainsaw with no chain or smoke generated by a machine.
No. This monster is real and it creeps up on us when we least expect it. It drives away friends and whispers in our ear that we aren’t good enough. It causes us to want what others have and compare ourselves to the good in others instead of cheer them on.
Today, I want to warn you about the green eyed monster.
The Green Eyed Monster
You’ve probably been warned about this monster before. I’m sure I’m not telling you anything new. But, sometimes we need to be reminded just how much damage it does and how difficult it is to fight it.
And if we’re honest with ourselves, we’ve all battled the green eyed monster in one way or anther.
Just to refresh your memory, the green eyed monster is jealousy. And jealousy attacks those it’s jealous of. You may see the green eyed monster of jealousy rear its ugly head in your life somehow. Whether it be an inner struggle or maybe someone you know manifesting this monster toward you, it’s real and it happens.
But what I’ve learned about jealousy and the green eyed monster is that we may experience it our lives more than we thought. Do you know why? Because when we compare ourselves to others, the green eyed monster is fighting his way out.
Comparison is a Quality of the Green Eyed Monster
I’ve been doing a Bible study called “Conversation Peace” by Mary Kassian, and what a study!! She said that comparison is the root to envy and jealousy. When I read that I was blown away because I never thought of comparison in that way before.
I mentioned in my own Bible study, Reflections of Eve, that women compare and men compete. I thought of it as a sort of light hearted personality trait that all women have.
That does not mean it’s o’kay with God that we compare ourselves to others. Today, I will share with you why.
God’s Call on Another’s Life Does Not Affect You
The gifts and talents God gives others is not something we should envy or be jealous of. Now, we can be inspired by other’s passion and relationship with God. But, once jealousy enters the picture, the monster is beginning to manifest himself.
In the book of John, Jesus called Peter to preach the gospel. He also told Peter the consequences of the great call of God that was placed on his life. Do you know how Peter responded? He turned around and saw John (his friend and fellow disciple) following close behind and he asked Jesus, “What about him?”
Sometimes, we are so concerned with what God has called others to do and fear it may be better than the call on our lives, that we become jealous of them. And I love what God said to Peter, “If I want him to live until I come back, what is that to you? You follow Me!”
In other words, does it matter that much to us what God asks of someone else? Is that going to effect whether or not we follow Him? It shouldn’t. And in reality, Jesus was telling Peter it’s none of his business what God wants anyone else to do.
Comparison Leads to Competition
Women compare but they don’t stop there. Comparison leads to competition. There are two verses in the Bible that confirm this. Ecclesiastes 4:4 says, “I have seen that every labor and every skill which is done is the result of rivalry between a man and his neighbor. This too is vanity and striving after wind.”
Comparing ourselves to others causes us to look at what we have as no longer good enough. So, we compete and strive for more.
James 3:16 goes further and says, “For where jealousy and selfish ambition exist, there is disorder and every evil thing.”
The green eyed monster is pure evil. It’s as plain and simple as that.
Kill the Monster
The only way to defeat the green eyed monster is to kill it. That’s not always easy. But it can be done and it starts with the heart. Proverbs 14:30 says, “A heart at peace gives life to the body, but envy rots the bones.”
In other words, kill the monster before the monster kills you.
God is the only one who can help you with envy and jealousy. 1 John tell us to confess our sin to Him and He will forgive us and help us overcome. It starts with confession, but that means you have to face the monster within and tell the Lord to help you destroy that part of your flesh.
If you feel like others are comparing themselves to you and treat you in a non-loving way, you may have to cut off some relationships. That’s one way to kill the green eyed monster when it comes against you. That may be the only way to find peace. And that’s o’kay.
My challenge to you today is to be honest with yourself when it comes to the green eyed monster. Do you see him manifest himself in your heart from time to time? Take it to the Lord. Because with jealousy and envy come a whole lot of evil. Remember, Jesus was murdered by the religious people because of envy.
And if you struggle with others being jealous of you, that’s not easy. It may require you to walk away from those relationships. Because a “friend” who can’t support you for what God has blessed you with is not a friend.
And no one wants the green eyed monster pretending to be a friend. That is the most common disguise he wears. So, be careful and guard yourself against it. Ask God for discernment and beware!
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