Season: 3 Episode: 035
Rita is on the show today and she talks about body image issues. We all struggle with body image no matter what we look like. Rita dives into why these issues come from misplaced value on outward appearance and why Americans are more reactive than proactive.
“We live in a reactive society instead of a proactive society”
“Focus on body image is misplaced value”
“We’ve become out of touch with how God created us, so we look to external indicators to tell us if we’re healthy.”
“We don’t have a food shortage issue but a nourishment issue.”
“We live in a society that doesn’t think about what living actually means.”
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Welcome back everyone! You are listening to episode 35: Body Image Issues with Rita Rogers and I am so excited to have Rita on today. She is a friend of mine from Instagram and I like to say she is the first real connection I made on social media because Rita is like that … she truly invests in others.
Rita is an is an ICU nurse, farm wife, mom to two little girls and blogger at Rita Rogers Co. where she advocates for living well on purpose. Rita takes on cultural norms such as health culture and thought processes that may not be serving us well by getting us to ask questions and apply common sense solutions. Her faith plays a big role in how she approaches these issues.
Question 1
Tell us something about yourself you didn’t tell us in your bio.
Question 2
We’re talking about body image issues today and I want you to lay the foundation of what body image issues are.
Question 3
You talk about this a lot in your blog posts and social media, but what is your experience with body image?
Question 4
So, I have a couple of controversial questions. The first one is: there is another message about body image going around social media and it’s one of heavier women telling others to embrace their bodies. That it doesn’t matter what they look like. Do you think that’s a solid message?
Question 5
We are currently in the middle of this COVID situation with no end in sight. And we’ve heard a lot about how the vulnerable are more susceptible to death with this virus. Why do you think there’s an emphasis placed on masks, hand washing and social distancing instead of nutrition, exercise and taking care of our health?
Question 6
What does God emphasize about our bodies in His word that will help us put our own bodies in the right perspective?
Question 7
What is a way you inspire women to live out their faith?
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