Season: 11 Episode: 166
You’ve likely seen clips of Dr. Frank Turek sharing the defense of the faith with atheists and skeptics on college campuses around the country. He is a dynamic speaker and author and president of Cross Examined – a Christian apologetics ministry. But have you heard his testimony? Frank shares how it all began and why he’s so comfortable on a stage answering the hard questions. He answers some of your questions, too. Listen in for a great discussion!
“We are honest with women about what their choices are when it comes to their unborn baby. In a lot of ways, we are more “pro-choice” than the pro-choice.”
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Connect With Dr. Frank Turek
Hey everyone! Welcome back to another episode of Her Faith Inspires podcast where we take cultural issues and we tackle them with Biblical truth. If you have been listening to the podcast lately, you know I co-wrote a curriculum with Dr. Frank Turek who is a best selling author and co-wrote IDHEF. Well, Frank is on my podcast today and I finally get to ask him all the questions. We’ll get to that in a minute, but I want to give you a small back story before Frank comes on.
Here it is …
My husband introduced me to some of Fran’s YT videos during the summer of 2020, so the first book I read of Frank’s was Stealing From God and I wasn’t immersed enough in apologetics to fully grasp it, so I ordered the curriculum for that book from IA and I studied it on my own. The thing about Frank is that he makes apologetics seem like it’s for everyone – and it really is, right? But I didn’t think so. I saw Ravi Zach over the years and the man was speaking another language half the time – for someone like me who is just an average person trying to defend the faith over here.
But Frank brought it down to a level that left no excuses to the average Christian not to learn apologetics.
So my husband and I bought that sticky whiteboard material and slapped it on the garage walls and we started to learn all the things apologetics. I was listening to Frank’s podcast one day and heard he was teaching on online course called How To Interpret Your Bible, so I took it. Then I to Cold Case Christianity with Jim Wallace, then I took The Great Book of Romans course with Frank and then I went to CIA in 2021, and every time Frank recommend a book I bought it and read it, and then I took The Pro-Life class with Scott Klusendorf and went to CIA again. So you can say that Frank has had a huge impact on getting my family involved with apologetics and now I get to work for him and his wife Stephanie at OCC.
About Frank
So as you know Frank is a Christian apologist and bravely and eloquently stands on a stage on college campuses and provides evidence that points to God’s existence. He is the president of and presents powerful and entertaining evidence for Christianity all over the world. He has also debated atheists like Christopher Hitchens and David Silverman.
And I’ll add, he is friendly, down to earth, and reminds us that we are all one dollar apologists.
Frank, thanks for being here.
Question One
Tell us about your testimony and how you started Cross Examined.
Question Two
What book do you recommend for a newly saved unchurched young person to hep with the basics of the faith.
Question Three
Why is that some Jews like Ben Shapiro aren’t Christians? DO they know something we don’t?
Question Four
What do you think about historical fiction based on the Bible? (There are other books for kids that are historical fiction called the I Survived series). I think it’s a great tool to use to measure the information in the book to what the Bible actually says.
Question Five
What do you think of Christians who contradict each other while being so sure they are right? (secondary issues)
Question Six
If God knows all, why did He place the tree of the knowledge of good and evil in the garden to test Adam? (Do you think it was a test?)
Question Seven
What role does the pope play in Christianity?
Question Eight
Where are the Buddhists sources like we have for the Bible?
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