Season: 11 Episode: 166
Have you seen Christians with pronouns in their bio? Is that the loving way to handle the identitiy crisis plaguing our culture? Phoenix Hayes is on the show today to provide insight into this controversial topic that Christians must not shy away from. We talk about the social contagion of the LGBTQIA movement and the consequences likely to come from the push by the government and public school system to trans the kids. Phoenix tells us why Christians must not go along with preferred pronouns, and why kids are struggling with their identity now more than ever.
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About Phoenix
Phoenix is a Kiwi-American, wife, mom, Christian apologist, writer, speaker, and the Creative Director at CrossExamined. With an unusual fondness for discussing challenging topics that many Christians avoid, her goal is to help others confidently and clearly defend an Orthodox Christian worldview and consistently live that worldview out in the public square.
Connect with Phoenix
Question One
What fascinates you about the topic of identify as it relates to the transgender issue today?
Question Two
20% of Gen Z identifies as LGBTQIA. Can you put that statistic into perspective for us (comparing it to the generations before) and why this points to a social contagion?
Question Three
From your research, what do you find is the reason young adults and teens are struggling with their identity now more than ever? What are the consequences of this movement (if you want to call it a movement), and if kids are encouraged to be their authentic selves, why are we seeing a decline in mental health?
Question Four
What do Christians do when it comes to these issues?
a. Calling someone by their preferred pronouns. b. Addressing someone by a name they’ve changed to fit their preferred gender?
Question Five
I want to ask a question about how parents can talk to their kids about the trans issue, gender, sex (why they are the same, etc).
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