Season: 12 Episode: 178
It’s no secret that everywhere you turn, you and your children are bombarded with secular ideas. It’s evident the culture is not neutral. With entertainment, social media, education, and companies that promote transgender ideologies, how do parents equip their families in an aggressive and “in your face” culture? Janel Greig from Grassroots Apologetics for Parents is on the show to discus discipleship in the home. GAP is an apologetics resource for parents and they use the fantastic books authored by Natasha Crain to help parents take the reigns of discipeship with their children. Check out their website below.
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About Janel
Janel resides in the Pacific Northwest with her family where they enjoy hiking in the beautiful mountains of the region or escaping the city for the calm of the Pacific Ocean. As a parent, Janel recognizes the importance of nurturing a passion for God’s Word and truths in her own heart so it can be passed on to her children. As president of the Board for Grassroots Apologetics for Parents, Janel has a passion to equip parents so that they may in turn, be a disciple for their children and stand up for God’s truth with carefully thought out answers. She enjoys speaking to parents about apologetics as a tool for discipling their children with a confident faith and is a graduate of the Cross Examined Instructors Academy.
Connect with GAP
Question One
You help lead GAP – grassroots apologetics for parents. I know you are passionate about using apologetics to disciple children. Why is it important for parents to disciple their kids rather than for parents to assume the church and the Christian schools are doing it?
Question Two
Why apologetics? I didn’t hear the word apologetics until I became an adult. Why is this something that’s missing from Christian education (and by that I mean the church and home discipleship)?
Question Three
People accuse parents and educators who teach about God of indoctrination. Should parents be concerned that their kids won’t find out what they believe about God and the Bible if it’s “shoved” down their throats? Why do we as apologists promote being pro-active with this kind of instruction?
Question Four
What does GAP focus on and how does it help the typical family who may feel ill-equipped to teach their own kids in this way?
Question Five
What are you seeing on the frontlines of something like this? Are parents waking up to the fact that the world is not neutral about filling their children’s minds with ideologies like transgenderism? Or are you still seeing apathy in the actions of the church and Christian parents?
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