Season: 13 Episode: 186
What is with the “end times” and the evidence we’re living in the last days? Are we really living in the last days and does the moral decline of culture prove it? Albert and Shanda continue their conversation about the unseen realm and spiritual warfare. They discuss the very real part Christians play in the unseen realm, even if you don’t feel like you do. The reality is God chose Christians as His temple and for that reason, your prayers can hinder the advancement of the enemy. Listen to this very interesting conversation.
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Question One
How do we know the physical/temporal is not all there is?
Question Two
Heiser begins his book by talking about God – the ruler over all and gods (little g). What is the difference and what point is he trying to make? Why does all of this matter?
Question Three
The Bible doesn’t go into a lot of detail about Satan and his rebellion. How did free will affect the rebellion of Satan and the angelic hosts?
Question Four
Heiser has a quote in his book that reads, “The powers of darkness know whose side we are on by our behavior. They are not stupid … Whether or not we believe it, we are being watched – by both sides of the spiritual war.” Can you expand on this and what that means for us as Christians?
Question Five
There’s a very comforting and powerful thought Heiser brings up. He says, “While God is everywhere, he specifically dwells within each believer. Believe it or not, you are sacred space.” This thought reminds me of Carmen Imes book Bearing God’s Name. We represent God to the world in our actions, not one in our words. However, this ought to encourage us as individuals because the ver presence of God indwells each believer. How should this change the way we think about the spiritual realm and if we are being watched, what does that say when the evil beings watch those whom God’s very presence dwells?
Question Six
What are the takeaways from Supernatural that we didn’t touch on but that believer’s should be aware of?
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