Season: 4 Episode: 051
Shanda has Albert Leon back on the show tody and they talk about the last days and the end times. What are the signs that we are living in the last days? Should we be worried about the anti-christ and the mark of the beast? What about the rapture of the church and the wrath of God? We discuss all of this and more.
“Those who are in Christ do not need to treat the wrath of god. Though we all deceiver it, those found in Christ are declared righteous.”
“The responsibility of every believer is to be alert, awake, and aware so that you do not miss the signs of His return.”
“The Bible is intentionally vague about Christ’s return so that you don’t stop sharing the gospel with others.”
“Grace is found in the intentionally vague language of prophecy. To watch and discern is a characterization of one who recognizes the signs of the times.”
“Instead of asking if we’re living in the last days, live each day as if it were the last day. Jesus said tomorrow is not promised.”
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Hey guys! Welcome back to another episode of Her Faith Inspires. Before we get into today’s show, I want to tell you about the 5 day gratitude challenge for free on my website. There are scripture verses, prayer starters and short devotional questions that will help you get your mind in the right place as we approach thanksgiving. Check it out at
Today we are assessing the question, “Are we living in the last days?” I have a repeat guest, and a close friend of the family, Albert Leon, on the podcast today to help us better understand where we are with all of us.
Albert, welcome to the show! As we prepared for this episode, we both agree that this is a big undertaking and too big to cram into one episode. So we are going to do our best today.
End times discussions can be difficult or confusing. Are there principles or approaches that help understand end times scriptures.
Literal meaning first, figurative second, new meaning last List main passages
Let scripture interpret scripture
Structure/context (overviews)
Prophecy is vague, “this generation…all these things”
We’ve seen the meme going around with the woman looking out her window to see what verse in Revelation we’re living in. Although that’s funny, many are scared because they believe we’re living in the last days. Are we in the last days? and what about end times?
Biblical use of Last days and End times
Do you believe in the rapture? And let’s also talk about the different views of believers, pre trib, mid trib, and post trib.
Yes. Then details
What are the signs of the last days? And what are some prophecies that need to be fulfilled?
Far signs, near signs
Falling away, man of perdition revealed
Let’s talk for a bit about the anti-christ. What does anti-christ actually mean, because in reality, we’ve already seen some anti-christ figures in history. What most Christians refer to as anti-christ actually means a real person in prophecy who will set himself up as the Messiah and deceive the people. This is where we see the mark of the beast, etc.
The book of Revelation is a combination of literary language. It includes history, prophecy, and lots of imagery. If you had to sum up the purpose of the book, what would you say it’s there for?
Apocalypse defined. End times revealed.
4 certainties: God wins, be prepared, spiritual world, purposely vague
Should we fear the end times? What would you say to people who are struggling with having children during our current cultural situations, or those who are afraid of the anti- christ, etc.
Timing is not clear, believers will suffer tribulation, not wrath
For those who want to study more on the end times, the anti-christ, tribulation, rapture, etc .. where do you suggest they begin?
Study for yourself
We are going to continue our conversation on the last days next week because this topic is too in depth for one episode. If you find yourself wondering about the anti-christ, the mark of the beast and raising kids in the times we’re living in, you do not want to miss out on next week’s episode because I feel the best part is coming up. And as always, if you have any questions about this topic or any other topic, you can email me at and I will get back to you. That’s it for today, I’ll catch you on the next one.
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