Season: 6 Episode: 079
The social justice movement is sweeping the nation and entering the church. But does it have anything to do with the gospel of Jesus Christ? Angela Mitchell from Raising Apologists is on the show to discuss Critical Race Theory and the social justice movement. We discuss the terminology and dangers of CRT and how it has nothing to do with a Biblical worldview.
“Only the gospel reconciles.”
“CRT is a manmade “remedy” we hope will unify. Only the gospel can do that.”
“If we don’t feel for our fellow man, we deny our own humanity.”
“Scripture is either sufficient to speak into this or it isn’t.”
“The gospel reconciles God to man and man to man.”
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About Angela Mitchell
Angela Mitchell is a wife and a stay at home homeschool mom to three children. She has a heart for training her children in truth, equipping them to spot cultural lies, and teaching them to have a Biblical worldview. She has an online ministry @raisingapologists on Instagram and Facebook where she seeks to encourage moms to equip their children to think Biblically as well.
Today, we’re talking about a cultural hot topic … social justice and this also goes by another, more formal name …
Critical Race Theory
Question One
Can you explain what the social justice movement is and why it’s become so popular in the church? (I’m assuming you’ll bring up CRT here. If not, I can add a question about that because I want the listeners to hear about it too).
Question Two
Some may not come right out and say they’re talking about CRT or SJ, so I want to talk about some of the buzz words we should be aware of so that we can identify it.
Question Three
Many want to be sympathetic to what’s taking place in culture with the race discussion right now. Why is it counterproductive to bring in CRT when being sympathetic?
**Emotions are a tricky thing. We feel for our fellow man, but to adopt talking points that are not Biblically based are dangerous. This is where we must train others in how to handle cultural situations with the bible.
Question Four
A black woman told me last year that the gospel doesn’t work when talking about race. What I think she may mean is that the church isn’t doing a good job when it comes to this topic. Where do you think the church has failed when it comes to race?
Question Five
The younger generations are being indoctrinated with CRT as we speak. More and more states and districts have adopted social justice curriculum. What is the impact going to be for our future if parents and the church don’t step in and intervene?
Question Six
What are some verses in the Bible that speak to racism?
White fragility
White supremacy
“Check your bias”
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