Season: 4 Episode: 042
Shanda talks to Joe Devane about nutrition, training your brain to break bad food habits, and how to develop a new mindset to ensure overall health for the body and soul. You will also hear about why suffering produces all good things in our lives, and you’ll learn to embrace disciplines that have long term rewards.
“Physical health is connected to your mental and emotional well being.”
“We honor God with our bodies by eating foods He intended for us to eat.”
“There is no reality where we live a life without discomfort.”
“Discomfort is a part of our existence. It breeds discipline and discipline breeds strength.”
“Embrace pain that eventually produces good.”
“Adversity makes you better.”
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Hey guys! Welcome back to Her Faith Inspires podcast. This is a guest episode with Joe Devane. See all links above to connect with Joe and find out more about his nutrition program.
Joe Devane is happily married to his wife Laura. He is a level 2 crossfit trainer at Certus Crossfit. He has his BA in kinesiology and owns his out nutrition company, Deep Roots Nutrition. On his spare time, he competes in crossfit competitions around the US.
Question 1
Tell the audience something about you that we wouldn’t know from your bio.
Question 2
You help people change the way their bodies look through nutrition and exercise, but how do you help them change their mindset throughout this process?
Question 3
We are currently dealing with COVID and I’ve mentioned this on my podcast before, but we don’t hear many doctors and others in the medical field placing an emphasis on overall health and wellness. Why do you think that is?
Question 4
How are food habits created … whether healthy or unhealthy … and how do we create healthy food habits over time?
Question 5
What are some signs someone has become emotionally reliant on food?
Question 6
Since this show is called Her Faith Inspires, how should we look at health from a biblical perspective?
Question 7
What is the responsibility of someone who is to steward their bodies well and what does that look like?
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