Season: 5 Episode: 072
Is the Bible sexist? Does God value men over women? These are some of the talking points in the mainstream culture. But are they true? Lisa Quintana takes us deep into why women are highly valued and how to see your worth through the pages of Scripture.
“The truth of Christ transcends established social structures.”
“Men and women have equal values but not equal roles.”
“What we value is based on earthly things.”
“In a biblical worldview, men and women aren’t interchangeable.”
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Bio: Lisa Quintana earned a Master’s Degree in Christian Apologetics. She serves as Managing Editor of WIA News at Women in Apologetics. Lisa speaks at conferences on apologetics, and teaches apologetic classes at her church in Madison, Wisconsin.
She blogs at ThinkDivinely.com. Some of her articles have been published on Apologia Homeschool Devotional page, ThePoachedEgg, and Reasonable Faith chapter in Honolulu. She’s written opinion features for the Biola University Chimes Newsletter. The Women in Apologetics website features many of her articles.
Lisa was drawn to apologetics by a circuitous route. She’s had skeptics in her family and became a Christian at 25 years old. They thought she joined a cult. Their questions drove Lisa to learn why Christianity is evidentially true and not just based on feelings.
Question 1
Why do you think many women feel the Christian religion is oppressive? Does that have anything to do with certain passages and stories in Scripture? What about the way the church has handled the role of men and women over the years?
Question 2
Let’s face it, the church hasn’t always done the best job with the role of women in society and in ministry. What are some of the contributing factors for the perception that Christianity is oppressive?
Question 3
You make a wonderful point that is contradictory to many of the talking points I’ve seen circulating today. You say Christianity is not an American religion nor a concept of Western civilization. Christianity was birthed in the Middle East. It is not of this world. Why is this helpful when it comes to how to understand the biblical explanation of gender roles?
Question 4
You explain that the primary goal of Christianity is not equality but unity. Can you elaborate on that?
Question 5
What is the point of some of the laws regarding females in the OT? Many argue they seem sexist and abusive. What would you say to those who notice the contrast in the OT treatment of women to the NT treatment of women?
Question 6
I feel women are searching for value and culture cannot give that. How can we look to Scripture to see the value God has placed on women?
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