Season: 6 Episode: 086
What is progressive Christianity and why is it taking over the church? Rocee Guevara is on the podcast to share her experience. She also shares why we need to help those hurt by the church and what we can do to identify progressive Christianity.
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About Rocee:
Rocio or Roci (Rocee), is a 37 yr old mom of four kiddos and wife to an amazing husband of 12 yrs. She was born in Mexico City.
She doesn’t remember a time where church or religion, in some small or big way, wasn’t part of her life. As a young girl, she believed there was a God. At the age of three she began to be sexually abused by her uncle, then friends of her mom and other family members. All of them were men. She remembers thinking she was cursed because of what these men did to her. Everywhere she would went, abuse took place.
Connect with Rocee on Instagram
After a few years of searching for a church with sound doctrine, she found herself in a progressive Christian church.
After 2020’s COVID and BLM riots, she noticed more characteristics of the progressive movement in the pastor’s sermons. When she began to speak up about it, knowing it was going to cause her to be ostricized, she did it anyway and sure enough, she was called a demon, a Jezebel and a heretic. As a result, confusion set in and for the first time, Rocee started to doubt God’s existence and whether she should be a Christian. She began her path to deconstructing her faith, but it didn’t last long. When she opened her bible and allowed the word of God to reveal His true nature, all doubt was pushed aside and Rocee put her faith in God.
She and her family are now attending a church in Texas where they hear biblical truth from a wonderful pastor. She also began an Instagram ministry page called the The Seasonal Woman.
Rocee, I am so glad you’re here with us today to share your story and insights into Progressive Christianity.
Question One:
Let’s begin with your own story of denying God and how you came to Jesus?
Question Two:
Before we talk about the dangers of Progressive Christianity, can you define what it means and the doctrine of PC?
Question Three:
The false doctrine running rampant in the evangelical church used to be the prosperity gospel. It’s still around, but PC seems to have taken the lead in the last couple of years. Why is it so appealing to many who want to claim God but not His word?
Question Four:
Many who deconstruct move over to PC. Can you explain why PC is a fall back for many who leave the faith and what it looks like when someone deconstructs?
Question Five:
Some may walk into a church that doesn’t necessarily have the words “Progressive Christianity” on the sign. Many PC’s identify themselves as Christians. What are some things we need to be aware of when looking for a church and when talking to people about doctrine?
Question Six:
What are the main things Christians who hold fast to the fundamentals of faith need to do to guard themselves against this false teaching?
Book Recommendation:
The Kingdom of the Cults by Walter Horton
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